Gainesville Housing Authority Gears Up for Inaugural Spelling Bee
Gainesville, FL –The excitement is building as students are getting ready for the Gainesville Housing Authority’s (GHA) Inaugural Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee will be held this Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 10:00 a.m., at the Santa Fe College Gainesville Technology Entrepreneurship Center (GTEC). The winners will receive cash prizes and trophies.
Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe will be on hand to present the trophies to this year’s winners. “I am delighted to be a part of GHA’s Inaugural Spelling Bee, said Mayor Poe. “Activities like this Spelling Bee will encourage these young people to continue reading during the summer and give them the courage to compete in other scholastic events when school starts this fall.”
Eighteen students will compete in two categories. The two categories will host students from grades 3rd through 5th and 6th through 8th grades. Prizes will be awarded in each category. Family and friends are encouraged to attend to support these young people.
“Since early spring, our students have been working hard studying their list of words and this is a great opportunity for them to stay engaged educationally and build their confidence” says GHA Executive Director Pamela Davis. “We want them to have fun while learning and to know that they are all winners just for participating in this Spelling Bee.
Cone Park Branch Librarian Diane Johnson enthusiastically accepted the invitation to be the Pronouncer for the Spelling Bee. “This is so exciting for me,” says Johnson. “I am a lover of words. While my role is to pronounce the words, I hope my interactions with these students will in some way inspire them to continue learning after this competition is over.”
“We have an amazing group of individuals and community groups helping to sponsor this year’s event,’ says Sylvia James, GHA Resident Coordinator and organizer of the Spelling Bee. “When our children see the trophies and the prize money, they will know that they matter and that their education tops the list of what matters.”
The sponsors for the 2016 GHA Spelling Bee are: Cynthia Batts, Pastor Bruce Batts, Kappa Alpha Psi, Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzales & Hearing (TSGH) Law Firm, Mike Powell, Greenhouse Financial and The Alachua County Library.