About The Grove at Sweetwater Preserve
The Project Based Voucher wait list is scheduled to open Friday, August 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM.
The Grove at Sweetwater Preserve is the joint venture redevelopment between Pinnacle and Gainesville Housing Authority. The redevelopment included the construction of 96 units in four three-story apartment buildings.
The Grove at Sweetwater Preserve is a mixture of public housing and Section 8 rental-assisted housing and is an essential piece of a broader strategy by GHA and the City of Gainesville to improve the stock of assisted housing in the city. (Adapted from pinnaclehousing.com)
Cyber lounge
Fitness facility
Multi-purpose room
Covered playground
Energy Star rated kitchen appliances
Majority of the units will include exterior balconies
GHA accepts online applications only at gainesvilleha.housingmanager.com; however, if you need assistance because you are disabled, please call GHA at 352-872-5500, TDD 352-872-5503.